
Due to a greater focus on the environment, the government is bringing in more regulation to ensure businesses are operating in a sustainable manner. Our qualified assessors can support you in ensuring your business is fully compliant.

Achieving compliance is a great opportunity for improvement and can bring benefits such as:

  • Cost savings through better efficiency
  • Future proofing against future environmental regulation
  • Promoting your sustainable values to stakeholders
Two pairs of hands, one pointing at a laptop screen and the other using the keyboard on top of a wooden desk

We offer a range of compliance services including air conditioning inspections, ensuring meter capacity is set to current requirements, ISO 50001 and 14001, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) and energy certifications.


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for large organisations. It requires auditing energy use from buildings, processes and transport to identify energy saving measures.


The Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) framework is designed to bring awareness to energy usage and costs. It requires qualifying organisations to report their energy use and carbon emissions for the financial year.

Case study

Cosmo authentic world kitchen logo
FJB owns four iconic hotels across Bournemouth and Poole. We manage energy across all four sites and were subsequently approached for their ESOS assessments.

Agencies and consultants can charge upwards of £7,000 per site to complete the necessary procedures. However, due to U4L having an in-house qualified assessor, we were able to provide full company assessments for half the price of other quotes.